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ZJHP Pneumatic Control Valve Pneumatic Thin Film Single Seat Control Valve Pneumatic Single Seat Control Valve

Update: 2024/7/24??????View:
  • Brand: ???GONGKAI
  • Type: ???ZJHP
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The  pneumatic diaphragm single seat regulating valve-ZJHP is composed of a multi spring pneumatic diaphragm actuator and a low flow resistance precision small single seat regulating valve body. It uses compressed air as the power source, a cylinder as the actuator, and accessories such as electrical valves, converters, solenoid valves, and holding valves to drive the valve, achieving on/off or proportional regulation, and thereby regulating parameters such as pressure, temperature, flow rate, and liquid level in industrial systems.
ZJHP pneumatic single seat regulating valve is suitable for situations with strict requirements for leakage, low pressure difference before and after the valve, and certain viscosity and fiber containing media; The double seat valve has the characteristics of small unbalanced force, large allowable pressure difference, and large flow capacity, and is suitable for situations where leakage requirements are not strict; The ZJHM pneumatic sleeve valve has good stability, is not prone to vibration, has low noise, is less sensitive to temperature, and is suitable for situations with large pressure differentials and less strict leakage requirements.
Characteristics of ZJHP Pneumatic Thin Film Single Seat Regulating Valve:
1. The ZJHP pneumatic thin film regulating valve can be classified according to its operating mode; Positive effect: Air closed normally open type (valve position shifts downward when signal pressure increases) Type B; Reaction: Air open normally closed type (valve position shifts upward when signal pressure increases) K type.
2. Pneumatic small regulating valve is a straight through single seat cast spherical valve with a single seat plunger type valve core, which is particularly suitable for working environments where leakage is allowed to be small and the pressure difference between the front and back of the valve is not significant.
3. The straight through low flow resistance single seat is a bottomless and top guide structure, which only has one valve seat and one plunger shaped valve core. It has good sealing performance, small leakage, sensitive action, S-shaped fluid channel, small pressure drop loss, large valve capacity, precise flow characteristics, large adjustable ratio, large guiding area of the valve core guide part, and strong anti vibration performance. It is suitable for occasions with strict requirements for medium leakage and adjustment accuracy. However, due to the valve structure, the unbalanced force on the valve stem is large, especially under the condition of large nominal diameter, which is more obvious. Therefore, this valve is only suitable for occasions with small working pressure difference.
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